things my clients say vol 1

Isn’t it wild how when we close our eyes, our internal sense of the body can be so much bigger than what they actually are? Without tactile input, we are often unable to have an interoceptive sense of our own tissues. However, through the use of my pressure and presence, I am able to help my clients access these inner landscapes, connecting the brain to the tissues on both a physical and philosophical level. 

During our session, my hands can be considered a mirror, revealing to you the felt-sense of your own musculature and occasionally even memories or emotions stored in the tissues. This in-the-moment opportunity is truly the most important part of our work together. During this time, your brain is becoming aware of a detailed map of the physical and emotional landscape under your skin, including all the tight, tender, guarded and even pleasurable areas.

Once these sensations have been brought to the light of awareness and integrated, the body is in a much better position to self-organize and heal.

Read more about Kerstin’s philosophy here! BOOK HERE!


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